December President's Message

Although 2020 turned out very different than we expected, we have risen to the challenge. In March, AOA advocated for our inclusion of the COVID-19 relief package. COA and AOA were the first in the country to have a website dedicated to COVID-19. ACCCOS has made sure to include important resources on our webpage, and we have prioritized helping our members with the transition into reopening their practices. With the help of our board and trustee, Dr. Melanie Mason, we have dispersed PPE to 270 Alameda County doctors, and 160 students and faculty at Berkeley Optometry. 


We had our first virtual CE meeting in June, and we had more attendees than we’ve had in previous years. As always, our meetings will remain free for members to attend. We remain one of the largest societies in California, and ACCCOS has gained 66 new members this year! We hope to meet you in person soon!


ACCCOS couldn’t gather in person this year, but we were able to bring our community together in other ways. In April, we met virtually to discuss how our practices have reopened safely. In addition, we formed a private Facebook community group, in which our members can discuss ideas. In addition, we have held a virtual new grad networking event to help them make connections.. Most recently, we were able to gather for a holiday cookie decorating event. We hope to continue to think of innovative ways to gather in the new  year. 


ACCCOS and COA continue to fight for optometry virtually. The COA has advocated for us, including against AB5, against the FTC contact lens regulations, and most recently for COVID-19 immunization prioritization. COA has been attending the vaccine planning meetings at the California Department of Public Health to make sure that optometry is included in the planning process. Thank you for being a part of our society and contributing to our profession.  


We are always here to serve you. If you have any suggestions, we would like to hear from you. 


In closing, I'd like to wish all of you a happy holiday season and a healthy and productive new year! Please look out for a little gift from us in your mailboxes! 



Jennifer Fisher (ACCCOS president) and the ACCCOS board

Upcoming events:

January General Membership Meeting via Zoom

Sunday, January 24, 2021 8:30 am to 12:00 pm

Free for ACCCOS/COA members, $25 for non-COA members

All attendees will receive a dinner stipend of $30

Topics include Retinal Lumps and Bumps OCT and Imaging by Heather Jones, OD from San Francisco VA and Grand Rounds presented by Residents at UC Berkeley School of Optometry and San Francisco VA.

Evite RSVP to come.